enter night. [trigger #363]

The reason most people have trouble with Night is because they resist her. All her associations with death and endings and violence give people pause. And many just aren’t wired to enjoy her company. They need the safety of daylight, the warmth of the sunshine, the bustle of productive life. Those people are not my tribe.

For those of us who take the time to get to know Night on her own terms, we happy few, the reward is great. Once she senses your openness and welcomes you into her domain, the treasures that await are immeasurable.

It’s not that her kingdom isn’t home to death, and endings, and the lost time of sleep. It’s that her kingdom is also the home of dreams, magic, mystery, and passion. Time moves sideways for those who learn how to embrace Night’s rhythms. A new life is found by the waking and the watchful in the small hours of the morning. The small band of us who learn to say “Good Morning,” to the moon uncover doors that aren’t there in the daylight.

Night welcomes newcomers, not as guests, but as her children. The curious and the discontent find they feel at home when they let Night be their guide. The voracious and the strange feel a nostalgia for a place they’ve never been, they hum along to a song they’ve never heard but know by heart.

Once you’ve truly come to know Night, fallen in love with her and her kingdom and her people, the daylight becomes empty.

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